Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Julie + Bill

While home this past weekend I was able to spend a few minutes shooting a very fun engagement session. Fun because it was in one of my favorite parks in the town where my mom and dad grew up, and fun because the subjects are family! (or at least Bill WILL be soon!)

I was never blessed to have an older sister, but my "Aunt Julie" was the next best thing! We are only 4 years apart so she played the role well...always bossing me around, intimidating me and making me feel insignificant in the world...JUST KIDDING!

She was my IDOL! I wanted to do EVERYTHING she did!

She cheered in Middle School so I cheered in Middle School...She played the flute so I had to play the flute...she was a majorette in High School so of course, I had to be a majorette too! (Don't make fun...Majorettes are COOL up North! HA!)

She helped me become the person I am today...outgoing, fun, neurotic and spastic...HA HA! and I am so excited that I get to return the favor by shooting her wedding this Summer to her soul-mate, Bill.

Congrats you two!

Love you!


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