Wednesday, October 21, 2015

My Baby is 6

Ok so I know I am a slacker mom.  My baby turned 6 in July and we are just getting around to doing pictures.  Between shoots, weddings, school, volleyball and all the rain we've had it just never seemed like a good time.  So we had about 20 minutes one evening and beautiful light.  I threw a simple outfit on her and ran outside.  No frills, no fancy outfit, no crazy hairstyle and that was it.  I'm so glad it worked out that way.  If you follow my work you probably already know that I am a minimalist.  I love to capture the person, their personality and beauty.  Ariana did not disappoint.  She is full of personality.  I gave her little direction and she mostly just wanted to play and be silly.  I love this age.  Her personality is really starting to show, she has quite a wit and loves to draw, paint and do crafts.  She loves to sing, swim and do gymnastics.  She is so detailed and observant, notices everything, and has questions about everything.  Most of all she just loves to hang out with Mommy...always telling me she loves me and gives me kisses.  I wouldn't trade being a mom to this little girl for the world.  You'll always be my baby, I love you!

Mommy (aka: Sommer)

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