Tuesday, August 20, 2019


When I met Craig 23 years ago, I thought he was the biggest "mamma's boy"! ;) 
Then I had Tripp and realized that I was SOOOOOOO ok with a "mamma's boy!" 
There is just something SOOOOOO SWEET about that little boy's hug... 

You all KNOW how emotional I am (especially as each year goes by) but shooting Franklin and Shannon's wedding got me choked up when I saw the sweet relationship between Franklin and his mom! 

So EASY to see...
My favorite wedding moment....
Mom and son... 

Congratulations to Shannon and Franklin!  Thank you so much for having us on your special day!

Lisa and Kip

P.S.  Here are just a FEW MORE of our "favorite moments" from the day!

Kindly Share The Love »»

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