Tuesday, May 3, 2016


I don't know when it actually happened, but some time, a few years ago, I woke up and realized that I REALLY need to cherish every moment I have with my parents. 

I mean, I have ALWAYS been grateful for how great both my mom and dad are (and how great my step-dad and step-mom are too :)) but I guess it's because of my age that I am all of a sudden KEENLY aware of how important my parents are! 

I am lucky that my parents are young and healthy, but we are NOT GUARANTEED TOMORROW, so I am grateful that we keep in touch more than most. 

In the last two weekends, both my mom and dad have come to visit from Ohio and I truly enjoyed every moment we got to spend together. 

There is just nothing like the love of your parents, and I so enjoy laughing (and crying) with them! 

So...I know I seem like I am rambling, but I PROMISE I will get to the point... 

Last weekend, Sommer and I were honored to shoot the wedding of Courtney and Chris, and the more time we spent with them, we realized how blessed they are in the "parent department" too. 

Their parents were so sweet, laid back, and really made us feel welcome.  It was easy to see that they were just as close with their parents as we are with ours... 

So on to my favorite wedding moment of last weekend... 

"The Look Between a Father and Daughter"... 

(it just made my heart melt...)

Congratulations to Courtney and Chris (and baby Lilly too!;))

Lisa and Sommer

P.S.  Here are a few more of our favorite moments from their wedding day!


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